Ethics, Nature and Society

ECTS credits: 7,5

Location of course: NORD University, Campus Bodø, Norway

Course responsible: Ove Jakobsen

Apply to the course: Fill out the application form, and send it to Grete Knudsen at NORD University.

More information about the course: Course website.

Preliminary course program: Program

Description of the course:

The students are to increase their knowledge of concepts, theories and models in ethics relevant for elaborating moral issues in an interdisciplinary field of science. The course provides an overview of key concepts, theories and models relevant for exploring ethical issues in the interface between economy, nature and society. Students are to acquire knowledge in ethics relevant to identify, analyze and resolve moral issues of applicability to their PhD projects. The course will be thought in English. Examples of perspectives and issues highlighted;

  • General introduction to moral philosophy
  • Eco-philosophy
  • Gaia hypothesis and principles of ecology
  • Economics, nature and culture
  • Ecological economics
  • Environmental challenges
  • Trust in modern society
  • Positive Psychology and Happiness
  • The ethos of science
  • Ethics and risk in modern society
  • Ethics for the Technological Age

Course organization: The course is organized in two modules (19-20 April and 13-14 June). Each module includes lectures, discussions and student presentations. Participation in both modules is mandatory.

Learning outcomes

1. Knowledge: The candidate can define, and applicate key concepts, theories and models as described and defined in the curriculum (lectures, textbooks and readings) in scholarly development projects

2. Understanding: The candidate have increased awareness of, and better understanding of philosophical, ethical and environmental issues connected to nature, society and economy
The candidate can formulate multifaceted problems plan and carry out complex research projects.

3. Performing: The candidate can perform systematic evaluation based on theory and empirical information, carry out interdisciplinary assignments and projects, communicate problems, analyzes and findings to peers (but also to the general public, including participating in debates at conferences and in a commonality with the aid of a scientific theoretical concepts).

Examination: The participants write an individual essay (of up to 12 pages, 1,5 line spacing, wide left margin) on a topic chosen within the course framework. The deadline is 21 days after the second session. The essays are graded on the scale “Passed” – “Failed”. All participants must conduct an online evaluation after the course.

Costs: Course fee will cover living expenses during the course modules (5000 NOK). In addition the students have to pay for travel and literature. However, PhD students from the IRSAE network can apply for a mobility grant to cover travel and course fees.


Tucker, M.E. & Grim, J.A. (eds,) 1994; Worldviews and Ecology, NY.,Orbis Books
Lovelock, James 2006; The Revenge of Gaia, Penguin Books Ltd (177 pages)
Rachels, James; 2003, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, McGrawHill; 4. edition (ca. 210 pages)
Taylor, Charles; 2003, The Ethics of Authenticity, Harward University Press; 11. printing (ca.130 pages)
Readings  (ed. Ove Jakobsen)