Roman Susdorf

Roman Susdorf  romand_susdorf

Nationality: German


Phone: 0044 (0) 1224 274106

Mailing address: 2 Hillbrae Cottages, Newmachar, AB21 0UN, United Kingdom

PhD title: Modelling the Effect from Sea Lice on Population Dynamics in Wild Atlantic Salmon

Supervisors: Prof David Lusseau, Dr Nabeil Salama

Keywords: salmonids, sea lice, population dynamics, non-lethal effects, body condition, parasite-host interaction, sustainable fisheries management, stock-recruitment

Start and end date of the PhD: 01/05/2014-30/04/2017

I am working on a model for the assessment of the effect from parasitic sea lice on wild Atlantic salmon population dynamics. I am particularly interested in the effect from sea lice on host body condition (proxy for fitness), and how this can affect salmon growth, fecundity, and survival.
