Professor Tomas Willebrand is teaching this course (5 ECTS) at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences from 8th -12th April (part 1) and from 22nd – 26th (part 2) April 2024.
Invited lecturers: Professor Emeritus Scott Mills (University of Montana), Professor John Linnell (INN-NINA), Professor Kjartan Østbye (INN), Assoc. professor Scott Brainard (INN), Dr. Jonas Kindberg (SLU-Umeå & Rovdata og NINA-Trondheim), and Dr. Matthew Grainger (NINA-Trondheim).
Summary of the course:The first week (week 15) will consist of lectures and discussions following the textbook “Conservation of Wildlife Populations: Demography, Genetics, and Management” by Professor Emeritus Scott Mills. R-Cran will be used to develop different models. Group assignments will be decided at the end of this week. The second week (week 17) contains several presentations of different case studies. Students will have the opportunity to work on assignments and prepare presentations on Thursday, April 25th. Course assignments should document that students have achieved learning outcomes. Pass/fail grade only. Attendance requirement = 80%
Key information:
When: 8th-12th April (part 1) and 22nd– 26th April (part 2)
Level: PhD course.
Structure of the course: 3-h lectures daily, reading, homework, and presentations. Three 3-h lab sessions.
Location: Campus Evenstad, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Maximum number of participants: 25
Course fee: free. Participants pay for their own accommodation and food. Affordable accommodation at campus could be arranged.
Deadline for registration: 15th March 23:59 (applications later than this deadline will not be accepted due to administration requirements).
Registration: send email to: