Info about the summer school

  • Dates: 2-5 August 2021
  • Where: Digital
  • Costs: Free. Summer school participation is free (including non-IRSAE members)
  • Who can register and attend: IRSAE is a network for young researchers, and the summer school is a platform for yourng researchers, senior researchers and students to meet, discuss and exchange ideas and knowledge. As this year`s summer school is digital, the summer school will take the form of a conference.
  • ECTS: At INN, the summer school is considered to be worth 2 ECTS. However, IRSAE cannot hand out ECTS, and your own institution would therefore have to validate these credits. PhD participants will receive a diploma upon completion, stating that the summer school is equivalent to 2 ECTS at INN.

The 10th IRSAE summer school is digital, and structured as a mini-conference, with keynote lectures, workshops, a poster session and discussions.

PhD candidates are required to participate in the group discussion Monday morning. A group discussion consists of 5-7 PhD candidates who present their own research (10 minutes each). The group will discuss and provide feedback following each presentation.


Register for the summer school, and (optional) submit your abstract

New to this year’s summer school is that PhD candidates can submit abstracts to present a talk or poster. Oral presentations should be 20 minutes, poster presentations should be a static static display during the poster session.

Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15 May 2021. Register for the summer school, and (optional) submit your abstract, using the online form below:



Tentative summer school program

We have lots of exciting keynote lecturers and workshops scheduled! We will present our keynote speakers on our Facebook page.

Our tentative program:

Monday 2 August 2021
08.30 – 13:00 Group presentations for PhD candidates
14.00 – 16:15 Keynotes:

John Linnell (Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Inland Norway University) – carnivores and human wildlife interactions

Federico Ossi (Fondazione Edmund Mach) – How have the lockdown and shift in human activity due to Covid-19 influenced wildlife? The COVID-19 Bio-logging Initiative

Nathan Ranc, Francesca Cagnacci, and Paul Moorcroft (Harvard University and Fondazione Edmund Mach) – From IRSAE to mechanistic models of animal space use: history and results of an exciting collaboration spurred by IRSAE Summer school

Tuesday 3 August 2021
08:05 – 12:15 Keynote:

Scott Mills (University of Montana) – Conservation of wildlife populations

Francesca Cagnacci (Fondazione Edmund Mach) and Grant Hopcraft (University of Glasgow) – The Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration (GIUM) – combining research and conservation to create a global atlas of ungulate migration


Proposal Writing in a nutshellBabette Regierer and Susanne Hollmann (SB Science Management)

Going back in (code) time with GITOlivier Devineau (Inland Norway University)

13:15 – 14:15 Poster session
14.20 – 15:45 Keynotes:

Scott Brainard and Jennifer Angoh (Inland Norway University) – Pine marten research and management in Norway.

Lisa Mills (University of Montana) – Community conservation in India – Tea production and elephants.

Wednesday 4 August 2021
08:15 – 12:00 Keynotes:

Petra Kaczensky (Inland Norway University /VetmedVienna) – Room to roam – the challenge of conserving a nomadic species – the case of the Gobi Khulan in Mongolia.

Bertrand Dumont (INRA, France) – Innovations in grazing management: how to reach win-wins for production and biodiversity conservation in temperate grassland-based systems?


Reintroduction of the khulan to Kazakhstan – Introduction by Petra Kaczensky (INN/ VetmedVienna)

13.00 – 16:30 Workshops:

Deep learning/neutral networks – David Carricondo Sanchez 

“Big data” analysis – Rafi Ahmad (INN)

Analysing multivariate ecological data with Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models – Bert van der Veen (NIBIO), Sam Perrin and Jenni Niku

Thursday 5 August 2021
09:00 – 12:35 Keynotes:

Jesamine Bartlett (Norwegian Institute of Nature Research) – Alien Invasion in the Polar regions.

Gerhard van der Horst (University of Western Cape, South Africa) – Spermatology as a tool in conservation of wildlife.

Simone Ciuti (University College of Dublin) – Animal personalities within human dominated landscapes

Workshop – How to identify repeatability in animals` behaviors in R – Simone Ciuti (University College of Dublin)

13.35 – 16:30 Keynotes:

Evelyn Merrill (University of Alberta) – Women in research conservation

Mark Boyce (University of Alberta) – Effects of hunting and harvesting of wildlife populations.

Daniel Bolnick (University of Connecticut, editor in chief American Naturalist) – Individual specialization as a tool to understanding community structures in freshwater ecosystems/ the importance of parasites for population divergence.



Featured Image: Henriette W Gelink